Instructions to Authors

The journal Folia Heyrovskyna, Series A is an international journal. It publishes studies in systematic entomology, catalogues, bibliographies, book reviews, etc. Only works that have not been published or submitted for print somewhere else can be accepted. In the works, it is necessary to adhere to the topical edition of the international codex of zoological nomenclature.

The manuscripts are accepted in English or German language. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically by e-mail ( Figures can be submitted also as original illustrations. The translation is provided by the author, the editors arrange only the language revision. The subject matter of each article is responsibility of the author.

The works should have the following structure (in the order listed as follows): Abrief and accurate title in the main language, name and surname of author (authors) (the surname in capital letters with the character “&” between the last but one author and last author, the address (including the mail code), key words, abstract, the actual text, acknowledgement, references, summary in English (if used German), titles of enclosures, enclosures (figures, graphs, tables, photos).

Key words (always in English) – several words characterizing the scope of the article and serving for including the article into reference journals.

Abstract (always in English) – a brief summarization of the article to a maximum extent of 30 lines of the manuscript. In the abstract, taxa of groups of the genus and species are specified in their complete form, including the author and year of their description.

The typical structured text of the work consists of Introduction, Material and Methods, Results and Discussion or Taxonomy and possibly Summary or Conclusion. Particular parts can be combined, if necessary (e.g. results with discussion). In justified cases, the structure may be simplified and in short communications, the text of the work need not be structured.

The work (including enclosures) is accepted in one copy, typed single spaced on one side of numbered sheets of regular A4 size.

Black and white enclosures (drawings, graphs, maps, etc.) must be contrast, on quality white paper, arranged in tables and continuously numbered, at most twice as large as their resulting dimension in print (the dimension of the page composition pattern is of 12.6 x 18.7 cm) at least as large as the resulting dimension. Choose the appropriate thickness of lines and roughness of dotting, with taking into account the reduction assumed. Quality color as well as black and white photos can be accepted only after agreement with editors.

Titles of tables and figures must be comprehensive, with providing sufficient description even without reference to the text of the work. Numbering of tables: Table/Tabelle 1, 2. Numbering of figures: Fig./Figs, Abb. On the side of the text, the author may mark approximate positions of particular enclosures.

In the first reference (also in the abstract) the names of taxa of the groups of the genus and species should be presented complete, including unabridged name of the author and year of the description and possibly present parentheses. In further text, in repeated references, the generic names and names of authors may be abbreviated, with omitting the year of the description, unless confusions can occur.

Data should be written without gaps, months in Roman numeric characters (e.g., with the use of a decimal point (not coma) (e.g. 4.7 mm).

In faunistic data, it is necessary to specify: The country (with possible more detailed specification), locality (or other more detailed description), date of finding, number of specimens (possibly also of males and females), name of the author of the finding, of identification, of identification revision, of the collection owner, etc.

Latin abbreviations: Particular data may be expressed by standard abbreviations: centr. = centralis